Jill Harris Design | Squarespace Web Designer | SEO Copywriter UK

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People have been dying to know how design leads to engagement. Well, I'll tell ya…

Listen up, savvy entrepreneurs! 

You've probably heard a gazillion times that "content is king," right? 

Well, let me let you in on a little secret: design is the queen, and she's running the show behind the scenes.

Now, don't get me wrong. Your killer blog posts are still the heart and soul of your online presence. But without a smokin' hot design to back them up?

You might as well be shouting into the void.

Here's the deal: Great web design isn't just about making things look pretty (though that's definitely part of it). 

It's about creating an experience that grabs your visitors by the eyeballs and doesn't let go. 

And… well, it’s the difference between a bland cheese sandwich and a gourmet grilled cheese with all the stuff...

Both'll fill you up, but only one will have you coming back for seconds. And whether you’re blogging and building up an affiliate business, setting up an online shop, or promoting your creative work - you want people to come back.

What Does Design Do?

It sprinkles magic dust over your website.

When you combine a well-designed website with top-notch content, magic happens.

Think: strawberries and cream, Batman and Robin, or sunshine and an empty beach . Your design sets the stage, creating an irresistible environment that makes your readers want to stick around, devour your content, and come back for more.

But here's the kicker: Not all design is created equal. 

5 Principles of Design

To really crank up that engagement, you need to nail the 5 main principles of design. 

Buckle up, because I'm about to drop some knowledge bombs:

1. Balance: 

This is all about distributing elements evenly. 

When you move into a new place you spend some time arranging furniture in your living room - because you don't want everything crammed on one side, right?

Your web design has a ‘visual field’ which has the same aesthetic.

2. Contrast: 

Want to make something pop? 

Contrast is your best friend. If you wear a neon shirt to a black-tie event - people can't help but notice.

3. Emphasis: 

This is how you guide your visitors' eyes to the important stuff. 

Ever had fun with highlighters in your textbook? Well it’s that - except way cooler.

4. Repetition: 

Consistency is key, folks. 

Use similar elements ( typography, colours, etc) throughout your site to create a cohesive look. 

When you have a signature style (or dance move) - people will start to recognise it, and your brand becomes a thing…

5. Unity: 

Everything should work together harmoniously. 

A choir should do the same. If it sounds like everyone is singing a different song out of key - the experience is painful and makes you want to leave.

Master these principles, and you'll have a website that not only looks drop-dead gorgeous but also brings your readers back.

It’s the secret sauce to turning your shop, informational website or blog into an engagement powerhouse. Remember, your content might be what initially draws people in, but it's your design that'll keep them coming back for more. It's time to give your website the royal treatment it deserves.

Trust me, your engagement metrics will thank you!

5 Tips for Implementing the Design Principles 

1. Balance:

Tip: Use Squarespace's grid system to evenly distribute your content.

For example, create a row with three columns of equal width for your services or key features.

2. Contrast:

Tip: In your Squarespace design settings, choose a bold accent colour that stands out against your main background colour. 

Use this for your call-to-action buttons to make them pop.

3. Emphasis:

Tip: Utilise Squarespace's text formatting options to make important headlines larger or bolder. 

You can also use their spacer element to add white space around key content, drawing more attention to it.

4. Repetition:

Tip: Create a custom button style in Squarespace and use it consistently throughout your site for all your call-to-action buttons. 

This creates a cohesive look and helps users recognise clickable elements.

5. Unity:

Tip: Stick to a consistent colour palette across your site. 

Use Squarespace's colour editor to set a primary, secondary, and accent colour, then apply these consistently to text, backgrounds, and design elements.

These tips are easy to implement without any coding knowledge and can make a big difference in your site's overall design and user experience.

Top 5 FAQs about design and engagement

1. "Do I really need to care about design if my content is good?"

Answer: Heck yes, you do! 

Think of it this way: your content is the delicious meal, but design is the plate it's served on. 

A great design makes your content more appetising and easier to digest. 

It's not just about looking pretty – good design guides your readers, highlights important info, and keeps them scrolling for more.

2. "How does design actually increase engagement?"

Answer: Design is a secret weapon for engagement. 

A well-designed site is easy to navigate, which means visitors stick around longer. 

It also helps break up text, making your content more scannable. 

Plus, a visually appealing site builds trust and professionalism, encouraging people to interact with your brand.

3. "What's the most important design element for boosting engagement?"

Answer: That's like asking a parent to pick their favourite child! 

But if I had to choose, I'd say your call-to-action (CTA) buttons. 

These bad boys are your engagement gold mines. Make them stand out with contrasting colours and clear, action-oriented text. 

A great CTA can turn casual browsers into active participants.

4. "How often should I update my website design?"

Answer: Aim for a refresh every 2-3 years, but don't be afraid to make small tweaks more often. 

Design trends and user expectations evolve faster than you might think. 

Plus - regular updates show your audience you're on the ball and committed to giving them the best experience possible.

5. "Can't I just use a template and call it a day?"

Answer: Templates are a great starting point, but don't stop there! 

Customise that template to fit your brand and audience. It's like buying a suit off the rack – it'll look okay, but with some tailoring, it'll fit like a glove and make you stand out from the crowd.

Now, why is it a great idea to update your web design concepts as regularly as your written content? 

Let me break it down for you:

1. Stay fresh and relevant: 

The digital world moves fast. 

Keeping your design up-to-date shows you're not stuck in the Stone Age.

2. Improve user experience: 

As you learn more about your audience, you can tweak your design to serve them better. 

Happy users = more engagement.

3. Reflect your growing brand: 

As your business evolves, your design should too. 

It's like updating your wardrobe as your style evolves.

4. Keep up with technology: 

New design possibilities pop up all the time. 

Staying current lets you take advantage of cool new features that can boost engagement.

5. Stand out from the crowd: 

Regular updates help you stay one step ahead of the trend-setters. 

This is a form of friendly competition, and fun too. Never be afraid to flex your artistic muscles - people notice!

Remember, your website is often the first impression people have of your brand. 

Keeping it fresh, functional, and fabulous is a surefire way to keep those engagement numbers climbing. 

So don't be afraid to shake things up now and then!