Writing regular blog content can often feel daunting if not overwhelming. Trying to balance creativity, research, SEO, and a consistent posting schedule isn't easy. 

But if you have a website for your online business, it’s so important to write consistent, interesting content.

However, there are ways to be productive and write quality content your readers love. You do this by streamlining your writing process with an organised approach. 

Here’s how:

Collect, Organise, & Curate Your Ideas

One of the first steps in writing blog posts efficiently is planning ahead.

Use the writing tools you feel comfortable with. You might find Google sheets a good way to go. Or, if you’re looking for space to write and a great calendar overview -  you might like Notion. It's amazing for organising and categorising your ideas. 

Personally, I love Notion (I’m not a brand ambassador or anything btw). Everything gets done there first. Brainstorming, long-term content planning, short-term content plans etc. 

I know someone who runs a successful online ecommerce website using her Notes app. 

Whatever tool or method you choose, it’s really important to have one. 

First, make a list of your thoughts and any future titles for content. This makes it simple to select a topic when you need to write. 

Once you've grabbed a topic idea, you can start your research. 

This  saves a lot of time. And reduces stress because you never have to come up with a topic on the fly.

Be adaptable.

You don’t have to stick to your plan rigidly - but it’s a great springboard and repository of ideas.

Be as simple or elaborate as you like.

You can create different tabs, tables, or templates for separate niches or content themes. That way, you can find your list whenever you need to. 

Also, if you know about copywriting, you could link your ideas to hooks, calls, and beats .

Be playful.

Enjoying the process helps keep you engaged. 

And guess what? If you’re interested in what you’re writing about - so will your audience be. So, play around with different methods and tools until you find something that works for you.

The most important things is the habit of constant idea collection

That’s the key to easy productivity.

Using Topic Clusters for SEO

Once your ideas are nicely organised, the next step is to focus on your blog’s SEO. One of the simplets ways of doing this is by creating topic clusters. 

A topic cluster is a group of related content that centres around a core pillar page. 

By doing this, you’re using a strategy to help build your website as an authority within a specific niche. 

This improves your website's SEO by creating a comprehensive resource for your readers. Google likes this kind of thing. And it’s good for another reason. The more you do a deep dive into different areas of a subject, the more content resources you have to repurpose. 

Then you can turn your blogs or articles into short-form articles, instagram posts, video scripts, or podcast ideas. 

You could even edit all your topic articles into an eBook to sell or give away on your website. 

The Role of Pillar Pages and Subpages

A pillar page is an in-depth guide to a particular topic. It should have links to all the subpages that explore specific aspects of that topic. 

For example, if your pillar page is about "Digital Marketing," your subpages might cover topics like:

  •  "SEO Strategies," 

  • "Content Marketing," 

  • "Social Media Content Creation."

  • “PPC”

This interconnected structure makes it easier for search engines to see the depth of your content. 

And this in turn can lead to better rankings.

Effective Topic Research

To make sure your content resonates with your readers, dig deep. Then do some thorough topic research. There are many ways to do this. By far, the simplest way is to use Google’s autocomplete suggestions. Follow this up by noting the related questions as a part of your research process. 

These easy, free tools give you insights into what people are searching for. 

Find out what kinds of questions people are asking on a topic you’re writing about. By doing this, it's more likely you'll write about subjects that people want to read about.

Using Google for Topic Research

This is a quick, easy way to make a list of topics for writing content. 

  1. Start by typing a keyword related to your topic into Google’s search bar. 

  2. Pay attention to the autocomplete suggestions that come up underneath your keyword.

  3.  Look at the "People also ask" section. 

  4. The new AI answers that come up at the top of the Google page are often titles and snippets of popular pages. You can also use these for inspiration.

Make a list of 10-20 ideas from the research above.

Now you’ve got some great subjects to write about. Ideas that directly address your future clients’ needs and concerns.

Preparing in Bulk for Efficient Writing

Preparation (as well as organisation) is key to fast, high quality online writing. 

Create processes and systems that work for you. 

You could batch similar tasks. For instance, you could research a topics, keywords, or organise links. By streamlining similar processes, you'll find it takes less time. 

I like to plan about 3 months of blog topics ahead of time. When I write, I usually outline 2 blogs at the same time. Then I write one at a time. Find what works for you.

Batching Tasks and Organising Affiliate Links

When you research many topics at once, you can save time and maintain a consistent level of focus. 

Find out when you focus best.

In the morning my brain works better for deep work and concentration. So, I tent to write and edit before lunch.In the afternoon, I like to research and edit. There’s a sweet spot for everyone. If you’re using affiliate links, set them up beforehand. Then you’ve got all the resources you need in one place. This makes the writing process smoother and faster - without losing out on quality.

Create a Blog Post Outline

A well-structured outline makes everything easier. It’s basically a roadmap for your blog post. Outlining, even a simple list of headings, can reduce the time you spend on drafting. This makes the entire process less intimidating.

Never write anything you’re going to publish without an outline.

Steps to Creating an Effective Outline

To create an outline, start by listing the main points you want to cover in your post. 

Then, get these points into a logical order. Break them down into sections and subsections. Choosing a structure makes writing easier. And because the flow of ideas makes sense, your reader will understand your ideas better.

Check your outline to make sure it covers all the necessary details.

AI Tools For Writing A First Draft

AI tools like ChatGPT can significantly reduce the time it takes to create a blog. The free version, for now, is still great. If you want to explore a more in-depth look at writing with AI, go here.

You can ask it to brainstorm ideas, create outlines, and initial drafts for you. 

WARNING: AI writes terrible first drafts. You’ll still have to edit. 

Your first edit or rewrite is for brand voice, language, structure, and form.

This is what all writers do with any first draft. That is,  if they’re any good. So remember to take your first draft - however it’s written - and do one last rewrite. This time for clarity, engagement, and voice.

SEO with Keywords

Another valuable tool in your blogging arsenal is Google Keywords. This lovely little tool helps you analyse keywords and phrases.  Make a list of keywords to add into your content. Mix in carefully. Google knows when you’re keyword stuffing and will penalise you for it!

Writing Targeted Content Strategies

Use the data from Google Keywords ( or any other free keyword tool) to identify which keywords have high search volume and low competition. 

Voice Typing?

Some people use voice typing for writing first drafts.  Voice typing can be faster than traditional typing. And for some, it helps them articulate their ideas. It’s can be useful for drafting posts where you want a more conversational tone. 

I tried it and didn’t like it - but I’m a pretty fast touch typist.

Write the Introduction and Conclusion Last

Always write the introduction and conclusion of your blog post last.

By drafting the body of your content first, you’ll get a clearer understanding of your topic. Even if you know a lot about it to start with. Writing to discover is a great way to keep your own knowledge and writing fresh.

As you gain more clarity, you’ll find it easier to write an introduction that hooks the reader . Then all you have to do is write a concise ending and a conclusion that reinforces the main takeaways.

Editing for Quality 

Editing is good writing is… that’s what I always taught my creative writing students. It means your content is polished, professional, and interesting. 

Think about checking for SPAG first- Spelling, Punctuation & Grammar. 

Then have a look at white space, sentence structure & formatting. Lastly, check any images or video elements. Make sure they’re good quality, relevant, and enhance the overall quality of your posts.

Grammarly can be a valuable tool for catching grammatical errors .

Hemingway App is good for testing readability.

Whatever you do, use something to refine your writing. Remember, well-written content significantly impacts how readers perceive your blog.

Use relevant external links, and internal linking between related articles on your website. This can boost your blog’s SEO. By linking to relevant content, you create a more interconnected blog. If you are using affiliate links, check they're relevant to the content. And make sure they also provide value to your readers. Internal links should connect related articles together in a natural way. Use these links to guide readers to explore more of your content. 

Multimedia Elements

You can also use visuals and multimedia elements like high-quality images and videos. Use sparingly. If you do this, you can increase the appeal of your blog posts by breaking up the text.


As with anything - don’t overdo the visuals.In essence, writing blog posts doesn’t have to be a time-consuming task. By experimenting with these strategies: 

  • collecting and organising ideas, 

  • using AI tools, 

  • optimising for SEO

  • editing well

…you can streamline your writing process and create high-quality content efficiently. 

Above all, enjoy your writing.


1. How can I make my blog posts more engaging?

To make your blog posts more engaging, focus on writing in a conversational tone. Use personal anecdotes, and ask rhetorical questions to involve your readers. Additionally, break up the text with white space, headings, and images. This helps to make your content more appealing.

2. What tools can I use to organise my blog post ideas?

Tools like Google Sheets, Trello, and Notion are great for organising blog post ideas. Categorise and prioritise your topics, making it easier to plan your content calendar. “Well prepared is half done” (Mary Poppins).

3. How do I improve my blog's SEO using topic clusters?

To improve your blog's SEO with topic clusters, start by creating a pillar page that covers a broad topic. Then, create subpages that go deeper into specific aspects of that topic. Make sure you link the subpages back to the pillar page. This structure helps search engines understand the relationship between your content. When you've written between 15-20 blogs on the same topic, this can boost your SEO.

4. Is voice typing reliable for writing blog posts?

Personally, I don’t like writing like this - but plenty of people do. Try it and see, because voice typing is a reliable method for writing blog posts. It can quickly draft content and can help capture a more natural, conversational tone. Don't forget to edit.

5. What are the best practices for editing blog posts?

Eiting blog posts by checking for errors and tidying up formatting. Use tools like Grammarly to catch errors and improve the readability of your content. Additionally, especially if you’re a new writer, ask someone else review your writing. They may catch any mistakes you might have missed.


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